An Account of the Lengthy Existence and Numerous Experiences of Ambrose Blackhouse, Vampire, With Special Attention to Those Years in Which He Walked Upon This Earth Tho Dead, an Illustrated Novel by Tim Denee

Tim Denee

Tim Hutchings Makes Games

  • $44.00
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This is the book An Account of the Lengthy Existence and Numerous Experiences of Ambrose Blackhouse, Vampire, With Special Attention to Those Years in Which He Walked Upon This Earth Tho Dead, an Illustrated Novel by Tim Denee.

Hereafter it shall be called The Book.  It is NOT a game.

Tim Hutchings:

This Book
 is a collection of Tim Denee's illustrations of his play-through of the game Thousand Year Old Vampire.  A piece of art was made for each Prompt as he uncovered the story of Othin, a Danish fisherman, who runs afoul of The Rek and is cursed with eternal unlife.

You can see the entire collection of images here.  For free.  All of 'em. 

To be absolutely clear:  The contents of this book are, and will remain, freely available to all for as long as we have an internet–you do not need to buy The Book to enjoy Denee's story.

Who is Tim Denee?

Tim Denee is an artist/illustrator/designer I've admired from afar.  He made clever, moving comics of his Dwarf Fortress play-throughs and I LOVED them.  When I figured out that the guy making this great TYOV Prompt art was the guy that made the Dwarf Fortress comics I was full of incredulous, suspicious joy.  I do not deserve things this good, I thought.

And I'll add this:  I am entirely responsible for this book being produced and delivered.  Tim Denee is innocent of anything that might go wrong.   

What's this book like? 

It's a 9.5" wide by 5.5" high clothbound hardback book.  It's 88 pages if you don't count the endpages, which you shouldn't.  Front and back have gold foil and are artfully debossed.  It ain't a game but it is very handsome nonetheless.

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