Remember Frankie?
Tell all your secrets, lie about your past, and turn it all into a song.
Remember Frankie? is a storytelling game about creating a shared history at the crossroads of memory and fiction for 3-4 players. Players will reminisce about an imaginary person using real memories - playfully twisting the facts of their story to create a thematic veil of mystery. Anecdotal stories about Frankie are accompanied by stylized lyrics composed by the other players - breathing life into Frankie’s persona while emphasizing the connection players have to each other.
Remember Frankie? requires about 30 minutes to play, a 12-sided die, something to write on, and something to write with. For thematic purposes, players are encouraged to use a small journal or lyric book to house the writings from multiple games. In time, you’ll have an eccentric collection of poetry and prose about Frankie that will paint a collective image of his life and personality.
This game is all about mood which is best crafted in a quiet space where everyone can see and respond to each other’s body language and facial cues. Dim the lights. Play an old record. Create an atmosphere.
Game by Rhodrick Magsino
Editor: David Pedersen
Artist: E. Robin Magsino
Mental Health Advisor: Kim Johnson LMHC, MT-BC
Digest-sized, saddle-stitched zine, 56 full-color pages.
*PDF will be emailed once the physical item ships.