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Aaron King

  • $20.00
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"All the worlds ended together: heavens and hells, kingdoms and wastelands, and everything in between. As they broke apart, the Heartless Princess saved the bits she could, shoving them together and crowning the resultant Patchwork World with her Icy City to hold it all together."

Patchwork World is:

  • a no-playbook, no-stat fantasy game; choose a couple of moves and you're ready to start
  • powered by the apocalypse, meaning you'll need two 6-sided dice and not much else
  • 70 moves that you can easily port to almost any other game

"Patchwork World is the most fun PbtA game I've played... pass it on. Just unbridled joy." - John Geary/@gayhalforc


48 pages, 8.5"x11", saddle stitched zine, color cover, b&w interiors.

*PDFs will be emailed once the physical item ships.

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