A Game Master's Guide to Penumbra City

A Game Master's Guide to Penumbra City

Margaret Killjoy and Inmn Neruin

Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness

  • $7.00
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A Game Master’s Guide to Penumbra City is a guide for GMs for running games of the TTRPG Penumbra City. It’s a great guide for those new to running TTRPGs or seasoned game masters looking for a different perspective on running games. Although the guide provides a lot of tips and tricks for GMs running any TTRPG, it has a lot of specific tips and information for running games set in the world and game system of Penumbra City.

The guide contains:

  • Optional rules

  • Adventure Hooks

  • Examples of Game Play

  • Tips for fleshing out characters and the world

  • Tips for using certain game mechanics like Reputation

  • Tips for altering the world to suit a game

  • An exercise for starting new adventures

  • A look into the game creators’ philosophies on running games

Written by Margaret Killjoy and Inmn Neruin.
The cover is illustrated by Robin Savage.

Beautifully printed by Eberhardt Press, A Game Master’s Guide to Penumbra City is 33 pages bound as a zine in 8.5”x5.5” with a cardstock cover.

Tags: Adventure

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