ADAM GNADE "Greatest Hits"

ADAM GNADE "Greatest Hits"

Adam Gnade

Hello America Stereo Cassette

  • $13.00
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"This tape is a collection of prose writing (autobiographical fiction) with backing music recorded during the first two years after having left the city for the country. These pieces were always meant to be set in a certain order and included together (but they weren't for a few good reasons, and now they are and I'm glad).

For me this album feels very much of a time--2010 and 2011--a lot of touring, especially overseas, a lot of being very broke, and a lot of trying hard while feeling completely overwhelmed by everything all at once.

This feels like being on the road all the time. It sounds (to me, probably only to me) like breakfast in strange towns, writing long emails at rest stops, sweet evenings back home in the farmhouse, reading Thought Catalog articles and Melville in my attic bedroom, river shores, corn fields, uncertainty, good jokes, New York City bars, friends on drugs, Southern all-ages clubs, sleeping in tour vans, rarely being online, hungover mornings in bad motels, and endless soundchecks. I was very much into folk music and noise in a way I would never be again.

It was an exciting time to be alive and also pretty awful some days. A lot happened in those two years, and much of that is reflected here. These are my "hits" of 2010 and 2011." -Adam Gnade

Released December 11, 2023

Adam Gnade (vocals, guitar, noise). The Hot Earth All-Stars are Adam Laidlaw (guitar, backing vocals on end track), Chandler Galloway (piano, organ), Chris Cooke (guitar), Damon Moon (guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, field recordings, noise, backing vocals on end track), Jacob Smith (lap steel), Sydney Eloise (backing vocals on end track).

Some of these tracks have appeared previously via Three One G, Punch Drunk Press, and Blessing Force.

Milky-white cassette.

Tags: Fiction, Poetry

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