Age of Gods + PDF

Horoscope Zine

  • $13.00
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Gods walk among us, but not all of them are good beings. In fact, some are outstandingly bad and serve dark purposes. They have several avatars, mortals like us that represent their facets and personality traits. Avatars use their powers to protect or destroy, bring peace or war.

In Age of Gods, you play a character who can be blessed by the gods, or even cursed by them. Along with your group, you will experience challenging adventures, face powerful creatures and explore an ancient world full of treasures hidden in dangerous places.

The zine includes:

• Instructions  on how to play, with examples

• Character creation steps with optional information

• Easy to learn and play rules

• Weapons, armor, and equipment list

• Combat system with detailed examples

• Character evolution

• How to run the game

• Appendix with tables, spells, gods & avatars, and setting description

• Original artwork

• Illustrated maps

• Bestiary

Game design & Graphic design: Horos
Illustrations & Maps: Horos
Proofreading: Rossi Antúnez

Printed with support from Rook’s Press

28 pages. Stapled (softcover). Black and white.

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